
Looking for other songs in Koode? Click here

(Translation on request for SM)
A slow soulful song from Koode.

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Vanaville nokkukille, kodamanjin chilliloode?
Onnu melle chaayukille orma peyyum chilla mele?
[Hey rainbow, won’t you look here, through this foggy glass?
Won’t you lean slowly on this branch showered with memories?]
Thaedum kanniloode, maayum noviloode,
veendum porukille?
[Through the eyes which search, through the receding pain
won’t you come with me again?]

Vanaville nokkukille, kodamanjin chilliloode?
[Hey rainbow, won’t you look here, through this foggy glass?]

Hemandam moodi moodi, thaazhvaaram maanjathalle?
Veenu ozhinju mannil aake, thoovasantham vanna pole
[Covered by falling snow, didn’t the valley disappear?
Emptied on the ground at length, like a beautiful spring has arrived]
pinne naam onnu pol chernnu poyi
[and then we came together to become one]

Vanaville nokkukille, kodamanjin chilliloode?
Onnu melle chaayukille orma peyyum chilla mele?
[Hey rainbow, won’t you look here, through this foggy glass?
Won’t you lean slowly on this branch showered with memories?]
Thaedum kanniloode, veendum porukille?
[Through the eyes which search, won’t you come with me again?]

+Image copyright to the original uploader.

Looking for other songs in Koode? Click here

7 thoughts on “Vaanaville

  1. Love the words and the beautifully bright translation,Thanks, teacher, Thumbi…May Allah never deprive us of the glorious work

  2. Ahem…ahem…someone is also a constant supporter…hehe( joking)I really appreciate your evergreen work, teacher Thumbi

    1. Lol. You haven’t reached SB’s level in leaving comments yet, RA. 😛

      I’m grateful for your support too, you definitely have the top requestor position. 😀

  3. Thanks Our near and dear t. Thumbi….well, you are right, I have not reached his level….I have newly discovered this website…not for a very long.. 🙂 May Allah bless your life

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